Thank you for signing up to our FREE newsletter. 

For many years now, we have sent the residents of Kirk Ella and West Ella our Annual Report. This comprehensive report is delivered once a year to every household in Kirk Ella and West Ella, and it details what your Parish Council has been up to in the previous year. While there is currently no plans to stop producing this annual report, we would like to be able to keep in touch with you more regularly.

By signing up, you will receive: 

  • Latest news and regular updates from your Parish Council.
  • Details of and invitations to our upcoming events. 
  • Information provided to us by other organisations including the latest crime figures from Humberside Police, warnings about future weather events, and road closures from East Riding Council.

For your peace of mind... 
  • Your details will be stored in full compliance with the UK GDPR. 
  • The information we send you will be relevant to you as a resident of the       Kirk Ella and West Ella parish. 
  • We will not spam you with multiple emails a day. We expect you will receive 1-2 emails per month. 
  • You can unsubscribe at any time. 
  • We will not pass your email address on to anyone else.
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